I like the statement, "Forgive us for even craving sin." This cuts right to the heart of Jeremiah 17:9. It's true, the heart, my heart, is naturally deceitfully wicked above all things!

Yet, Jesus was tempted in every way that I am, and he succeeded in victory over sin! I am so grateful for His sacrifice of his own life for me.

My prayer is that I would strive daily to live in purity for Him daily, free from the entanglement of sin.

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Amen brother, good to hear from you Omar

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This is rich. I really appreciate the specific prayer points which help direct my heart to pray effectively for others. Thank you, Carter. These posts draw my heart to Christ always.

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I'm grateful to God for you, Nicki! Thanks for the encouragement, and may we both grow in knowledge of the Lord as he multiplies his mercy toward us!!

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